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Gregory W Goussak
Jon K Webber
Elliot Ser


Early researchers concluded that leaders exhibit certain qualities not found among the common man (Bass, 1990; Burns, 1978; Hernez-Broome & Hughes, 2004; Moser & vander Nat, 2003; Northouse, 2010; and Stodgill, 1948).  As researchers started looking at these phenomena, they realized that leadership is an evolving process that changes from paradigm-to-paradigm; shifting as environmental values change within society (Bass, 1990).  The significant growth of the casino-gaming industry over the past two decades necessitates management understanding of how leading in the 21st century could affect operational productivity and organizational performance.  The purpose of this research study was to investigate and analyze employee perceptions about managerial leadership styles in the Las Vegas casino-gaming industry.  This study focused on the leadership styles in the Full Range Leadership Model (FRLM) and the relationship between employee perceptions and revenue growth.  Participants completed the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire Form 5X (MLQ) to communicate their perceptions about managerial leadership styles.  The study discovered that employees in Las Vegas casino-gaming operations perceived their managers as following the contingent rewards transactional leadership style and that revenue growth was not a determining factor in their perceptions.

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