Developments in Validity
Research in Second Language Performance Testing
Hacer Hande Uysal*
The present paper aims to provide a short historical overview of the theoretical developments in validity research in second language performance testing. A comparative description and critical evaluation of different views such as the “Trinitarian approach” versus the construct validity model; “uniform approach,” versus “unified approach” as well as alternative and critical approaches to validation in L2 performance testing are presented. These various theoretical approaches are introduced in terms of their definitions of the validity concept, their suggested requirements for the validity research, and their attitudes towards reliability and theory while making interpretations of test scores. The paper also focuses on the current problems with the applicability of these theoretical approaches, and discusses future directions in validity research.
Key words: Second language assessment, performance assessment, validity, reliability, validity research
Earlier Theories of Validity
In earlier times, validity was described as whether the test measures what it is supposed to measure (Lado, 1961 in Chapelle, 1999). Subject matter experts used to decide about the quality of the test based on the test content examining whether test tasks cover a representative sample of the target domain (Chapelle, 1999). However, this approach was based on a subjective judgment focusing only on the test content without considering the test scores. Therefore, while this approach offered evidence to support the domain relevance and representativeness of the test, it did not provide evidence about the inferences that could be made from the test scores (Bachman, 1990; Messick, 1994).
Oller (1979, in Chapelle, 1999)[1]
put reliability of test scores at the center of validation. Validity was defined in terms of the degree of the correlation of
test scores with an older or well-established test or criterion focusing on criterion related validity. According to the correlations between future or present performance and
the criterion, criterion validity was later divided into predictive or
concurrent validities (Cronbach & Meehl, 1955). However,
this approach was also problematic, because it was not easy to find a well-defined valid criterion
measure all the time; and even if it was found, validity of this established
criterion would also be questionable. Therefore, criterion based model was not
useful in many contexts (Kane, 2001).
In 50’s, the construct validity was introduced as an alternative to content and criterion validity, and became one of the several types of validities. Construct validity was tied to theoretical constructs and started to be investigated by testing hypotheses related to how well the scores satisfy the theory (Chapelle, 1999; Kane, 2001). Between 50’s and 70’s, there were many kinds of validities –The Trinitarian Model (Shepard, 1993), and while performing validity research, the type of the validity to be addressed was chosen according to the purpose of the assessment. (e.g. content validity for achievement tests; criterion validity for selection and placement decisions, and the construct validity for theory-based proficiency tests). However, at those times, validation was still seen as “one time activity” (Bachman, 1990).
With the development of the construct
validity model, limitations of other validation efforts started to be more
apparent (Kane, 2001). The Trinitarian
model was criticized as being “fragmented and incomplete” excluding “score
meaning and social values from test interpretation and use” (Messick, 1995, p.
741). Cronbach & Meehl (1955), for the first time, regarded validity as a unitary concept including
content, criterion, and construct based evidence under the name of “construct
validity.” During 80’s, the Trinitarian validity definition was replaced
with a single unified view of validity in the testing standards (APA, 1985).
The focus of interest changed from validating test or test scores to validating
proposed interpretation of the scores
(Kane, 2001). In addition, validation
became an on-going process through which a variety of empirical evidence
about test interpretation and use had to be collected (Bachman, 1990). In
addition, the consequential aspects of
validity including washback,
ethics and social responsibility were introduced into validity
discussions (Messick, 1989). Messick
(1989) proposed a “progressive matrix,” which suggested that to justify a test score; evidence for
construct validity should be gathered with consideration of value implications
of the interpretation. To use the
test scores; however, the relevance of the particular use and social
consequences should also be considered.
The uniform construct validity approach suggested that interpretations of all tests – including performance tests – should be validated in the same way in terms of the theoretical constructs. Messick (1994) stated that adjusting validity criteria for language performance assessments might cause de-emphasis on important validity aspects such as construct representativeness and relevance. Bachman (2002 a,b), although he distinguished between a construct-based and a task-based approach, suggested that a cognitively based model of language ability and use should be established for all types of assessment; only then, the similarity between the TLU domain language use tasks and assessment tasks; adequateness of the domain sampling; and extrapolation would gain meaning in validation.
According to Kane (2001) however, insistence on the necessity of a theory base for all types of assessments was meaningless especially in the areas where there is little theory, and the uniform approach to validation that is too theoretical and ambiguous caused confusion understanding what construct validity and validation study meant. Although Cronbach (1988) had made an attempt by suggesting a strong program (necessitated theory, but inapplicable) and a weak program (abstract, practical, and allowing the use of all kinds of relevant evidence without any criteria) for validation to reduce this ambiguity, the “strong” and “weak” arguments were still found to be far from being definitive and adequate to support the constructs (McNamara, 1996).
Alternative and Critical Approaches: Rejection of the Theory
While the problems with regard to the inapplicability of the strong approach and the lack of criteria in the weak approach continued to cause ambiguities in validation attempts, new perspectives such as alternative paradigm and critical theory were included in the validity discussions. If we look at the validity discussions as a continuum, the “construct validity as a uniform approach” that requires a strong theory for all assessment types represents one end and the alternative approaches to validation that are skeptical of any kind of theory explaining human performance represent the other. This alternative view demanded for different criteria for validity judgments in performance assessments claiming that the complex constructs in human performance cannot be captured by any traditional theories (Lynch, 2001; Moss, 1994).
For example, Moss (1994) suggested an alternative hermeneutics approach to reliability and validity of interpretations. This view argued that validity was possible without reliability, and did not see inconsistencies in performances across tasks and among raters as a problem. According to Moss, it was possible to make generalizations across tasks by developing holistic, integrative and coherent interpretations based on a collection of performances. Generalization across raters, on the other hand, could be achieved through a critical dialogue and debate among raters in which initial disagreements would be resolved, and more refined interpretations would be formed by considering multiple perspectives and justifying the decisions.
Another alternative view was critical language testing, which put consequential validity at the center of the validity argument. It was suggested that constructs are indefinable as there are multiple perspectives and no truth. Besides, all tests are subjective, relative, dependent on context, and power related; thus, there is no true score to be estimated (Shohamy, 2001; Lyncy, 2001). Validity framework according to this view was based merely on consequences; therefore, information about fairness, ontological authenticity, cross-referential authenticity, consequential validity, and evolved power relationships had to be collected (Lynch, 2001).
A Middle Way: Observable Traits vs. Theoretical Constructs
The uniform construct validity approach was too vague and inapplicable, whereas the alternative-critical approaches focused too much on consequences and completely rejected constructs and other important validity requirements. Kane (2001), on the other hand, suggested an alternative approach that was unified, but flexible in which, different kinds of validity arguments to support different kinds of inferences could be made according to the context. While the details of the validity argument for each interpretive argument would be unique, the general approach to specify and evaluate the inferences would be consistent or unified. Kane’s validity definition did not require a theory; yet, it was still reflecting on the general principles in the construct model. Kane suggested adopting an argument-based approach – an interpretative argument – rather than validation research.
In the interpretative argument, there were several chains of inferences to be followed: 1) evaluation of performance on each task and giving a score; 2) generalization of the score beyond the observed to a universe of possible performances on similar tasks under similar circumstances; 3) extrapolation of the results beyond the testing context to various other contexts and task formats; 4) explanation and decision-making based on the theory. Kane suggested that all evidence relevant to each inference should be collected, alternative interpretations should be eliminated, and the most problematic assumptions – the weakest link—should be evaluated (Kane, et. al, 1999; Kane, 2001). Therefore, generalizibility link in performance assessments should be handled carefully because it is the weakest link due to the use of small number of tasks representing a narrow range of TLU domain and due to the variability associated to raters, task, and especially person-task interaction (Mc Namara, 1997). According to Kane, if generalizibility link fails, it is not possible to talk about extrapolation, and failure of any of the inferences fails the argument as a whole (Kane, 2001).
Kane (2001) also suggested that a distinction should be made between theoretical constructs and observable attributes. According to Kane, theoretical constructs and observable attributes are different both in terms of validity definitions and interpretations, and the distinction is context dependent. Therefore, it is possible to limit the argument to a certain set of inferences such as evaluation of task accomplishment, or generalization to a specific universe of observation without the necessity of theory. For example, if the target is the piano performance, then scores can be interpreted as observable attributes without a need to generalize beyond test. Therefore, for observable attributes, interpretive argument involves only the inferences of evaluation, generalization, and extrapolation. However, for theoretical constructs, one more inference is needed to explain scores in terms of a construct and to interpret them as indicators of specific abilities (Kane, et al., 1999).
Current Trends and Future Directions
Validity is currently defined in Standards
parallel to Messick’s construct validity model as “the degree to which evidence
and theory support the interpretations of test scores entailed by proposed uses
of tests” (AERA, APA, & NCME, 1999, p.9). However,
Borsboom et al., (2004) claim that despite all the evolutions in the concept of
validity over the years, when asked, most researchers in the field of
psychology still define validity as “whether a test measures what one intends to
measure” probably due to the failure of the construct validity model in
providing a clear and workable conceptual scheme for practitioners.
In language performance assessment however, Kane’s interpretative argument seems to be acknowledged to offer a feasible plan for validation, and has already been put into practice by Chapelle et al., (2004, in McNamara & Roever, 2006) in validating TOEFL. Recently elaborating on Kane’s model, Bachman (2005) has developed the “assessment use argument” as a conceptual framework based on Toulmin’s structure of reasoning involving claims, warrants, evidence, and rebuttals to achieve validation. Bachman’s argument consists of two parts: 1) an assessment utilization argument that links assessment performance to a decision; and 2) an assessment validity argument that links the assessment performance to an interpretation. According to this model, since the aim is to justify a specific assessment, a “local theory” is sufficient to make claims about the decisions and interpretations based on the assessment, and to determine the types of evidence that needs to be collected to support these claims.
Although Bachman’s model seems to be comprehensive and practical at first glance, given the context-dependent intricate interactions inherent in L2 construct during a performance, it may still be a problem to require a theory base for all assessment types. For example, the social interactive view states that constructs in performances are co-constructed through social interactions, socially and culturally embedded, and context- dependent; therefore, ability, ability in language user, and context are inseparable making it impossible to measure the underlying abilities (Chalhoub-Deville, 2003).
Therefore, the distinction made by Kane between theoretical constructs and observable traits without requiring a theory all the time is a sensible approach. As Chalhoub-Deville & Deville (2005) suggest, according to the purpose and context, it is possible to seek different validity arguments and prioritize evidence for a particular use or decision-making. If we are interested just in the performance/task fulfillment, replicability and generalizibility would not be the issue; however, if we are interested in performance with relation to the construct definition/language ability, generalizibility would be necessary because the consistency or variability of performances contributes to the score meaning.
In conclusion, linking the performances to a theory to be able to interpret the results in terms of abilities and accordingly to be able to generalize is the most problematic area in validation. Therefore, further research is needed primarily to determine constructs which are very complex and elusive in performance assessment. Chalhoub-Deville (2003) suggests that it might be possible to determine any stable constructs that are accessed in similar ways across contexts by analyzing tasks and interacting factors in performance assessments in different contexts especially through ethno-methodological research so that the association networks used in varied situations to transfer knowledge and skill can be understood, and generalizibility across contexts can be achieved. In addition, as social consequences of tests are not adequately integrated in validation models, development of a social theory regarding the social and political context in which assessment takes place should also be considered to understand the potential sources of unfairness and the meaning of test use in context (McNamara, 2006).
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