The university of sydneySocial-Economic Impacts of Sports Betting on Ugandan Youth. The case of Mbale Youth .

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Kutosi Ayub Masaba
Johnson sekakubo
Alexander Blaszczynski


Sports betting activities, particularly among youth, is increasing rapidly in Ugandan. The aim of this study was to determine the motivation for sports betting among Ugandan youth, and the social economic impact of this form of gambling. In a cross sectional quantitative research design, a questionnaire data was obtained from a sample of 181 youth attending betting houses in the Mbale district.  Results indicated that that most youths were motivated by the desire to win money. Findings also revealed that Ugandan youth socially and economically benefited from sports betting. The study concludes by recommending that even if findings do not show the negative impacts of gambling on youth, there is need for stricter laws to avert any future negative implications.

Article Details

Author Biography

Kutosi Ayub Masaba, Makerere University Business School

Kutosi Ayub Masaba is a Senior lecturer at the faculty of Computing and management science.



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