An Introduction to Strategic Planning for the Medical Trainee Using Wardley Maps

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Andrew D. Kay
Rosa Sun


Background: This article introduces Wardley Mapping, a visual tool with a long-standing history in business and technology sectors, as a valuable and novel approach for medical trainees navigating the complex and evolving healthcare landscape. Wardley Mapping offers unique methods to visualise and analyse complex systems, aligning well with the multifaceted nature of training and career development.
How we Did It: The article illustrates its application through a comparative example of planning a medical school elective. We outline the key components of Wardley Maps, describing the process of creation, present the benefits, limitations, and challenges of applying this tool in the medical education context.
Learning Points: We describe key lessons for implementing and refining Wardley Mapping in medical education.
Conclusions: Wardley Mapping offers comprehensive visualisation of career components, enabling evolution tracking, facilitating informed decision-making, and offering a holistic perspective. Exciting opportunities for future research include integration into medical curricula and its long-term impact on career outcomes.

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