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Donata Tania Vergura
Beatrice Luceri


This paper investigates Italian gamblers’ behaviour with particular reference to the intensity of participation and economic involvement. Despite the high incidence of gambling among the Italian population, studies aimed at investigating gambling behaviour are lacking. Therefore, the objective of the paper is to identify the main factors that promote and maintain such behaviour. A survey was conducted using a sample of regular and occasional gamblers. Regression analysis showed that socio-demographic characteristics (gender, income and level of education) significantly affect gambling involvement. In addition, the use of the online channel, the self-limitation of budget and the habit of getting rid of coins received as change - an aspect of gambling behaviour never analysed in the literature - are important predictors of the intensity of participation and level of spending. The study integrates previous findings on the consumer purchasing process. The results are useful for designing social marketing strategies aimed at reducing the demand and promoting responsible gambling.

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